Tuesday, December 28, 2010

misdirection and joy

Compliments of the season to you dohls(and Gents)!!!! I hope y'all had mad fun with friends
And loved ones. Well, its the end of year and the mood seems to be sober on the streets
cos of all that's been goin down,reflections and broke pockets.(Hehe)
I thot long and hard about tonite's post cos there were so many things I wanted to share,some of which shouldn't be shared but hey... So, the year's come to an end(3days to go).It's mixed feelings galore....things I shoulda done, things I shouldn't have(oh boy...)things I planned to do and dreams and goals that never made it to the light.... Regrets and more Regrets. Ever notice how we wallow in the bad and totally forget those GREAT moments we had(unless we're being reminded to be grateful and count our blessings)?? I used to be guilty. Ooohh, my life was this and that and I was never happy wiv what I got but I 'managed'.... Hmmmmnnn. Being lost in the middle of the year was my norm. One day I'd wake up and it would be a different set of goals that I didn't plan for or another direction for my life would just blindside me like a go-kart... Till I learnt how to see the kart coming and either speed up or slow down and watch where it was headed. Most times the direction of the 'kart' was hidden and not right for that moment while other times it'll be just where I was headed anyways...
Sometimes things we never plan for pop up at the worst times in our lives. We are either blindsided or we never even noticed the warning signs or red flags. IF and only IF we take a step back in that moment and look at the bigger picture of that seemingly unfair mess,shall we find joy in that'misdirection' (hey, who am I kidding. I usually find joy in the 'misdirection' after I see a path to one of my goals) Misdirection at that moment can turn out to be one of the best times in one's life cos expectations are removed giving room for the blessings to come to us the way it had been orchestrated to. By God and events preceding.
Joy in misdirection is possible! So don't see that situation as hopeless or just not where you wanna be.....it might be where you NEED to be to move up to the next level. Review ur year with joy cos 2011 is gonna be soo much better!!! We WILL make it so!!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

absence and the heart

Well, hello dolls!! I must say its been a pretty long while. I had y'all in ma heart o but
Life just did not co-operate. Another month is here. Its not just another month but The EnD of the year.... Hmmn.
Usually,I'd go on and on about resolutions and yearly achievements...yada yada da but this year just feels
different. Maybe it has to do with the fact that all I did this year were things I never planned for(so much for goal setting)a few unmentionables and ahhh! the gooood times. You know those times you feel like stopping time and just
basking in 'em...(Wistful sighs here).

Well, there were a few times I would've loved to fast forward thru(note to self-get a universal remote)but had to painfully go through. Then my heart messed up. 'Absence makes the heart grow fonder' indeed. It makes the heart grow fonder of YOUR absence!! I tried to make that work but ma heart was way to fond of his absence. Ladies,please don't quote that!! Unless he is firmly entrenched in your heart.... So I have decided that my first resolution of the year 2011 is to let my heart lead the way cos in the long run absence and the heart are definitely not compatible!!!

Its World's AIDS DAY.... Please be safe dolls!