Wednesday, December 1, 2010

absence and the heart

Well, hello dolls!! I must say its been a pretty long while. I had y'all in ma heart o but
Life just did not co-operate. Another month is here. Its not just another month but The EnD of the year.... Hmmn.
Usually,I'd go on and on about resolutions and yearly achievements...yada yada da but this year just feels
different. Maybe it has to do with the fact that all I did this year were things I never planned for(so much for goal setting)a few unmentionables and ahhh! the gooood times. You know those times you feel like stopping time and just
basking in 'em...(Wistful sighs here).

Well, there were a few times I would've loved to fast forward thru(note to self-get a universal remote)but had to painfully go through. Then my heart messed up. 'Absence makes the heart grow fonder' indeed. It makes the heart grow fonder of YOUR absence!! I tried to make that work but ma heart was way to fond of his absence. Ladies,please don't quote that!! Unless he is firmly entrenched in your heart.... So I have decided that my first resolution of the year 2011 is to let my heart lead the way cos in the long run absence and the heart are definitely not compatible!!!

Its World's AIDS DAY.... Please be safe dolls!

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