Monday, October 25, 2010

Men,Men,'s favourite curve ball

So, i had a reaaallly hectic weekend...basically distracted from my goals by a ;-)!!
we love 'em then we love to hate 'em..truth is we CAN do without them(i can picture some dolls cringing at the thot of being manless) oh... by the way, hallo dolls!!(my manners went out with my lunch)
I was speaking on life(nasty female that we love)in my last post and i realized that men are one of life's nastiest balls.. er sorry CURVE balls. how- you might ask?(some dolls would probably roll their heavily mascaraed eyes and say just get on wiv it!!) well, imagine giving yourself totally to a man , you get married and believe that your life is in the best place ever and can only get better from there... it does for a while. Then he becomes a different person almost overnight,(cos most times we chics are oblivious to changes except those on our thighs and tummies)gets a cuter 'lady' on the side and wakes up on morning and throws the huge ball in your face with these words...'i want a divorce'(or 'its over'..(feel free to replace with your fav line). Major curveball!!

so what's a diva to do when she hears these words?? because if you've ever been in that situation, you'll agree with me that life, as you knew it, is officially over.Your confidence in your fabulosity is shattered(depending on how much of your soul you opened up to the worm!), faith is men is gone and nothing seems worth the bother-even work! Well, in that situation it is totally impossible to see how it can be a blessing.The best thing you can do ....cry a river then party like its 1999 and the millennium bug is gonna cause Armageddon!!!! Cos doll, NOBODY can love you better than you love yourself.(Word!! i feel like a my kooky mind :-(   )
So divas, no matter what ball life throws in your face, there will always be a better tomorrow-translation-a more handsome, sexier, six-pack-tight, sexier-eyes -to drown- in,lips to die for(and he's gonna kiss you till you melt) guy. think a black, cleaner capt jack sparrow(if thats your type) or a  mc dreamy, mc steamy or.. uuu, uuu, uuu i know!! Enrique inglesias!!!!! Sigh!!!  (please bear with me as i drift away on a fluffy cloud with enrrrique( isnt that just a sexy name?)
later dolls!!!!!

be as rare as a flawless pink diamond!!

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